What is the best frequency for muscle mass?

What is the best frequency for muscle mass?

The trainee believes that the muscle needs time to rebuild itself after exercising in the gym, and therefore exercising more than once leads to stress and thus loses its size. Therefore, the trainee thinks that exercising with one muscle with high intensity is the best way to get bigger. (And a personal note from me, I rarely see any person around me in the gym working out his muscles with a high intensity, 99% of those I see around them stay only half an hour in the gym or 45 minutes at the latest). Do you think the 100-meter Olympic runner runs his leg once a week and sleeps at home for 7 days? Or swimmer and others? This is nonsense and illogical.

But in fact, all scientific studies and all experts have unanimously agreed on one fact, which is that waiting 7 days without an exercise of the muscle leads to lethargy of the muscle or the so-called Detrain which is the opposite of the word exercise and also means diminution. One-time muscle training is only suitable for people who want to maintain their muscle size without increasing or decreasing. This method was also popular in the 1970s among steroids users and bodybuilders, but this idea is completely over. As you can see, the sizes of current professionals are twice that of the 1970s professionals.

Best frequency for increasing muscle mass:

For the beginner, it is preferred to exercise each muscle 3 times a week, because the beginner has a much greater capacity for muscle recovery than the middle and advanced trainees.

Intermediate and professional level, preferably muscle exercise only twice a week.

This applies to fat burning and weight gain programs, simply because more muscle mass leads to increased metabolism.