Amino 2222 to increase muscle mass, dose and damage
Before we talk about an amino acid supplement or an amino 2222 supplement, I have to explain to you in a simple way all that is related to nutritional amino acids and some of their functions. And this part is necessary in order to understand what exactly this supplement is and how it helps you in building muscle, method of administration and correct doses, and if it is right for you or not.
What are amino acids?
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. The amino acids are bound together to form chains called peptides or the polypeptides that make up the protein. And protein in the human body and food protein contains 20 types of amino acids.
The human body consists of 20% protein. Much of the body's cells, tissues, and muscles are made up of protein. Therefore, amino acids perform many biological functions and functions within the body, such as: transporting and storing nutrients, helping the body's organs, ligaments, glands, and arteries to perform their vital functions. It also has an essential role in wound healing and tissue building.
Amino acids are divided into two types: one called essential or essential amino acids and the other type is unnecessary amino acids:
Essential Amino Acids:
It is those acids that the body cannot create inside. It must be obtained from an external food source. It is necessary for human life and health. And it is indispensable, just as you can do without fats or carbohydrates.
The body does not have the ability to store protein or amino acids. Therefore, there is a shortage, and if even one of the essential amino acids cause damage to human health and may lead to cracking in the muscle tissue or human organs for this amino acid incomplete.
And the 9 essential amino acids:
Non Essential Amino Acids:
Is the amino acids that the body can synthesize inside, through the installation of amino acids to each other, provided proper nutrition, such acids that the 11 amino acid:
Aspartic Acid
Glutmic Acid
Where human gets amino acids?
The primary source of amino acids is food. There are two types of nutritional protein: whole protein, which contains all 20 amino acids. It is animal protein, such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, and whey protein. And there are only two vegetable sources with complete protein: soybeans and quinoa.
As for vegetable protein, it is an incomplete protein. It is lacking an amino acid or two. Such as nuts, legumes and some vegetables.
The most popular amino acid supplements include:
Amino 2222
Amino 10,000
Amino fuel
Amino 2500
Amino 18
Amino 2000
Super amino
amino liquid
What is the method of eating amino 2222:
The best way to use amino 2222 is to take two tablets before food and two tablets after food. But this is an expensive method that may cost you 12 tablets per day.
So it can be sufficient to 3 tablets before exercise and 3 tablets after exercise.
What are the damages of amino?
Natural nutritional supplements are generally safe and suitable for all ages. Just make sure the product is original and check the expiration date of the package. As there is a lot of fraud in these supplements, they may be contaminated and harmful to you.