(HIIT) The most powerful slimming exercises.

High Intensity Interval Training,It is the exchange between two phases of Cardio: a high-intensity stage and a low-intensity stage. For example,The person runs at full speed for 30 seconds, then walks or runs lightly for a minute, then runs at full speed again, and repeats the two stages from 10 to 15 minutes.In this way you can get the most benefit from low and high-strength cardio, and doing cardio exercises in this way has many benefits.

Benefits of HIIT:

HIIT Very effective in a short time: Studies have shown that 15 minutes of HIIT have a stronger effect on burning fat than an hour of walking or slow jogging.A study conducted by the American College of Sports Medicine demonstrated that three times a week HIIT exercises for two weeks increase physical fitness and endurance more than 8 weeks of low-intensity cardio exercise.This effectiveness in a short time is a great advantage for those who have time constraints.

HIIT burns more fat: Study No. 1 and Study No. 2 proved that HIIT is more effective in burning fat.This is because HIIT exercises reduce insulin resistance and increase the muscles' ability to oxidize fat.Also, because Study 3 demonstrated that the body uses 80% of its muscles during HIIT exercises while 40% is used during slow jogging. Also, a study published in the American Obesity Magazine showed that HIIT helps reduce belly fat after 12 weeks.

HIIT increases the efficiency of the heart:Running as fast as possible until you find it difficult to breathe, strengthens the heart muscle and increases the Resting heart rate.

HIIT maintains muscle mass:When you start a fat-burning diet, you must maintain your muscle mass in order to maintain high levels of metabolism (burn rates). Many studies have shown that the HIIT excels at moderate intensity cardio in terms of maintaining muscle mass. Your goal should be to lose weight from fat, not muscle.

The advantage of HIIT that you can change in times of stages. You can increase the high intensity stage from 30 seconds to more than a minute and reduce the rest stages. This makes your body in the event of a permanent challenge and if no return.

How to do HIIT exercises:

You can choose any kind of cardio that suits you and your circumstances, such as running in the open air, on a treadmill, rope jumping, or switching on a stationary bike.
Then you start heating and warming by running lightly for 5 minutes and then running at full speed for 30 seconds, then running lightly for two minutes and catching your breath. These two phases are repeated for 10 minutes, after which this period increases to 15 minutes and 20 minutes with the passage of weeks.


HIIT is a training in itself, so beware of doing this exercise on the day of iron exercises. Try to devote a whole day to this exercise. Therefore, it is best to do it on the day you relax from iron exercise,

It is preferable to eat a meal before or after a workout. Or at least a scoop of Whey protein.

HIIT actually burns a lot more calories than low-intensity cardio, strengthens your heart and increases your breath in the gym. But it is a tough exercise and you may find it difficult to continue. Thus it is never necessary for slimming. Your slimming plan does not have to be hardship or torture. Chose the type of commitment that you can afford cardio with long periods of time.